Conditions We Treat
The human body is made up of many smaller parts, all working in harmony, affecting the way you think, feel and move. If your brain and spinal cord, the controllers of this finely tuned system, are not working at their full capacity then you aren’t going to be at the top of your game.
We approach your care by gaining a clear understanding of the stresses being placed on your brain and spinal cord and work to alleviate them using a combination of Chiropractic adjustments, sound nutrition, Myofascial Release and physiotherapy. It is our goal to have your mind and body functioning at the highest level.
Read about our Spinal Decompression

What are Common Conditions Treated by Chiropractic?
Long & Short term spinal pain syndromes including the following:
Neck pain / stiffness
Pain between shoulder blades
Lower back pain / stiffness
Buttock pain
Muscle / Ligament Spain / Strain
Numbness / Tingling
Slipped or Herniated discs
Shooting pain down legs
Acute Torticollis (Waking up with a stiff neck)
Headaches including Migraine, Tension and Cervicogenic
Pinched Nerve
Sports Injuries
Rotator Cuff injuries
Hip, Knee, Ankle & Foot sprains
Shin Splints
Achilles Tendonitis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Bone Spurs
Frozen Shoulder Syndrome
Work / Auto Related Accidents
Elbow, Wrist & Hand spains including Tennis and Golfers elbow
Mon: 8-12, 1-5
Tues: 8:30-12, 1-5
Wed - Thur: 8-12, 1-5
Fri: 8- 12
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